Long Point Bay Yacht Club
Welcoming 2025 and your new LPBYC board of directors
​2025 is shaping up to be a great year on the water. This year, we have a refreshed board of directors – and some new members – and we want to hear from each of you! I hope you’ll take five minutes to share your thoughts in this brief survey. We’ll use what we learn from the survey to better plan events and activities for you in 2025:
Here’s a link to our member survey: Long Point Bay Yacht Club Membership Survey
Our new board has already met to set out some of the events we’ll hold this year. And with that, I’m pleased to introduce our 2025 board of directors:
Commodore - Paul Lipsit
Vice Commodore - vacant
Past Commodore - Derrick Yeomans
Treasurer - Lynn Davies
Secretary - Sharon Lipsit
Membership - Jan Green
Cruising/Reciprocals - Steve Redmond
Marketing and Communications - Judy Redmond
Website - Allan Davies
BBQ - Doug Cunningham
Directors at Large - Eric Becker, Troy Wilson, Bill Green​​
Wishing you all a great boating season. See you on the water!
Fair Winds,
Paul Lipsit
Commodore, Long Point Bay Yacht Club

Inter-Lake Yachting Association (ILYA)
Nearly all private yacht clubs around the lakes require visitors to be members of a reciprocal club. Long Point Bay Yacht Club is a member of the Inter Lakes Yachting Association (ILYA) which is an association of dozens of the Yacht Clubs situated around the Great Lakes. This allows our members to enjoy the hospitality of the member clubs on a reciprocal basis.

Adventures on Lake Erie
Whether you're a power boater or a sailor, if you enjoy Cruising from port to port, anchorage to anchorage or marina to marina and want to enjoy the safety and camaraderie of traveling with like minded adventurers, check us out!!

S/V Catherine and Zambezi

S/V Sea Wolf